For whom?
Parents & Babies(0-36 months)
For your baby if he is facing behavioral or motors dysfunctions.
To keep an eye on his development milestones in case of a premature birth.
Some alerts symptoms:
- Your baby is difficult to be held, he faces tone’s dysfunctions ( hyper/hypotonicity)
- Your baby is late in moving: doesn’t turn, does not crawl, cannot sit down by himself, difficulties to start walking.
- Your baby has poor interactions with his environment.
- Your baby is not able to create social communication and build a relationship: has repetitive activities, loneliness, few gestures, poor visual contact, poor imitation skills.
- Your baby presents a delay in his developmental milestones due to a neurological disorders, genetics syndrome, prematurity or post-natal difficulties, senses disorders ( sight, hearing), a handicap…
Children & Teenagers
For your child or teenagers if they are facing psychomotor deficit, learning disorders, emotionnal/ relationnal issues.
Some alerts symptoms:
- Your child is heavily clumsy, bumps into furnitures, falls often…
- He is facing great difficulties in activities involving fine motor skills (legos, dressing up, building games…)
- He holds his pencil wrongly, could not choose with which hand to write
- Unreadable handwriting
- Lack of organisation
- Time and space awareness deficit
- Hyperactive, impulsive, always on the go
- Inhibition
- High potential
- Deficit in body awareness and/or negative perception of his body due to an event or situation ( accident, traumatism, hospitalization, obesity…)
- Learning disorders
- Anxiety, low self-esteem.
- Difficulties to express and manage his emotions
- Sensory/ motor deficit (deafness, blindness, cerebral palsy, hemiplegia, stroke, neurologic consequences, epilepsy…)
- Handicap ( autistice spectrum disorders, genetic disorders, dwn syndrom, cognitive impairment..)
Adults & elderly
For yourself or someone near you facing difficulties since child hood and/ or new psychomotors impairments due to the age or an accident ( stoke, car accident, Parkinson, Alzheimer, frontal syndrom, gross motor skills deficit, dementia…)
Some symptoms to alert:
- Handicap ( Autism, down syndrom, genetics syndroms…)
- Loosing balance
- Neurological disorders
- Dementia ( Parkinson, Alzheime…)
- Negative bodily experience
- Sensory disorders
- Syndrom following a fall
- Difficulties to manage time and environment
- Trouble des conduites alimentaires
Emilie Martin-Chave
Psychomotor Theapist / Occupational Therapy
Hygiëastraat 8, Amsterdam Zuid