parents bébés et psychomotricité

Babies and parents

Babies & Toddlers (0-3 years old)

Sometimes from the beginning of his life, baby could already face various struggles. Accidents around birth, disabilities, genetics syndrom, developmental delay, early life accident are all a reason to consult a psychomotor therapist.

Accidents around birth gather prematurity, difficult delivery time, anoxy…

The disabilities could be link with : Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, genetics syndrom, spina-bifida, sensory disorder (blindnes/deafness), CMV, toxoplasmose…

Accident at early life could be: shaken baby syndrom, domestics accidents (burns, fall…), car accident…

Developmental delays  could be as well the symptoms of relation disorders, autism disorder, learning disorder, genetic syndrom not diagnosed yet…

In general,  developmental delay is the first symptom of those disorders.

During chilhood, and especially between 0 and 3 years old, brain cells are very malleable. This neural flexibility is an exceptional asset to support the child’s development and allow him to express his full abilities.

Early psychomotor stimulation contribute to stimulate the neuronal plasticity and thus strenghten the neural network.

Due to various psychomotor experiences, babies will be able to develop his social, cognitive, motor and emotional abilities in session.

The goal of the therapist will be to propose an environment in which the child will be motivated to move and to go over his difficulties.

For a psychomotor therapist, it’s extremly important to offer an environment where the child will be able to experience every milestone of development despite his handicap. The stimulation of body awareness through various activities is essential to support the roots of cognitive and social skills.


Guiding parents is the second role of psychomotor therapist, especially at an early age.

A new born in a family changes deeply his harmony. Therefore, the announcement of a difficulty at this time makes this period of life more fragile. Parents have to cope with tones of feelings. Their identity as a parent is undermined. During the treatment, the therapist support fully the parent in their role, helping them to go through those difficult time.

According to the age of the child and the difficulties, parents are active in the session. The therapist will work on the weakness but also try to put forward the strenght and abilities of their child. That extremly important to show parents that their own child has abilities  despite the handicap. Often, the therapit propose some exercice to reproduce at home which help the child to progress quicker. It’s important to give back the parents an active role in the life of their child and create a positive parental identity.

Therefore the sessions are a place for sharing and listening to allow parents :

  • To restore their relationship with their child ( broken by hospitalisation, relation disorders…) using sensory input: touch, voice, holding, rocking…
  • To enjoy a nice moment with their child despite a difficult situation.
  • To support the social interaction and find a way to communicate with their child and feed their needs appropriatly
  • To answer the parents questions.