Psychomotor Therapist/ Occupational Therapist

Psychomotricity / Occupational Therapy


Psychomotricity belongs to allied healthcare profession. It’s a recognized practice and depends on the Ministery of Health in France.

This specific therapy exists in France, most of European countries ( Netherland, Germany, Belgium, Spain…), in Middle East and  South America. In the Netherland, it’s called ” PSYCHOMOTORISCHE” therapie or “MOUVEMENT” therapie. In Anglo-Saxon countries, psychomotricity has fields of action similar to OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY.

The psychomotor therapy practitioners have a holistic perspective, in which the focus is the fragile balance between body, mind and emotion . Therefore its a global and developmental approach of human being.

Mind, Body and Emotions are in the heart of the practice. Those three entities are constantly in interaction. Thus if one dysfunctions the other ones are impacted.

When a disorder or handicap, psychic or physical, are disturbing the great balance between those 3 entity, the psychomotor therapist intervenes to re-establish this fragile balance using a movement centered approach. The therapist prevents, diagnoses and leads the therapy. The patient’s environment and history are in the center of the treatment. That’s why the therapeutical protocol is built with the patient and its surroudings.

The human being is constantly evolving. That’s why the psychomotor therapy can help people across a lifepan.

The therapist works most of the time in association with other kind of therapists such as: psychologist, neuro-psychologist, speech therapist, occupationnal therapist, doctors…etc.

It’s an evidence-based practice deeply rooted in sciences such as neuro-anatomy, physiology, neurosciences, psychiatry and developemental psychology.

Some of its tools: Motor paths, fine and gross motor skills activities (such as beading, building, playdough, jumping, throwing balls…), painting, drawing, sensory integration, relaxation, body expression, stop &go games, planification & concentration activities, handwriting…


French Decree of Psychomotricity

According to the article R4332-1 of the Health Public Code, the psychomotor therapist can intervene for:

  • Psychomotor assessment
  • Early education
  • Reeducation of psychomotor disorders, using relaxtion, gesture education, body awareness, rythm activities, playing, balancing and coordination, for:
    • Developmental delays ( early birth, delays in milestones)
    • Maturation and tonicity’s regulation disorders (hyper/hypo tonus)
    • Deficit in body awareness
    • Laterality disorders
    • Time and space management disorders
    • Emotions disorders
    • Dyspraxia
    • Inhibition psychomotrice
    • Hyperactivity
    • Handwriting disorders
    • Learning disorders
    • Behavioral disorders
    • Autism spectrum disorders

Emilie Martin-Chave

Psychomotor Therapist/ Occupational Therapist

Hygiëastraat 8, Amsterdam Zuid